Big Red 2 - A Double Exaltation on February 22nd 2025.
Our first meeting of 2025 was brought forward from the usual date in March to enable us to be part of the Big Red 2 membership initiative. All was in place (we thought) until a few days before the meeting, when our prospective candidate had to defer his exaltation on medical grounds, and our candidate for June was unable to take his place at short notice.
Having canvassed our Lodge members with the chance of joining the Royal Arch virtually straight away, we were delighted that Bro. Stuart Bridges of Aylesbury Lodge and Bro. Ryan Hanrahan of Haddenham Lodge grasped the opportunity and presented us for the fist time with the prospect of conducting a double exaltation.
The paperwork was completed just in time and with less than a week to go before the meeting we were able to plan the ceremony.
The Chapter was opened on Saturday the 22nd of February at 4.30pm. Four acting Provincial Grand Officers were present; E.Comp. Joseph Le Roy-Smith 3rd ProvGPrin, escorted by E.Comp. Stephen Kirby ProvGSN, accompanied by E.Comp. Philip Blacklaw DepGS and E.Comp. Malcolm Summers ProvGStdB. The candidates were admitted separately for the first part of the ritual, which was conducted jointly thereafter.
At the end of a long and most rewarding ceremony the newly exalted Companions were congratulated and presented with welcome packs by the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal.

Comp. Stuart (L of MEZ) and Comp Ryan (R of MEZ) with their newly-presented Royal Arch napkins - pointed out by E.Comp. Joseph Le Roi-Smith.
From the prospect of the meeting never happening, to the reality of a milestone in the Chapter's history being pulled out of the hat, the members of the Chapter and the guests who assisted in the ceremony, were able to retire to the Festive Board happy and content.
Installation meeting, 4th September 2024.
Our brand new team of Principals was installed on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.
The Chapter was opened in due form, after which it was announced that the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. Philip Blacklaw was without and that he demanded entry. An escort was formed and the Deputy Grand Superintendent was admitted, accompanied by a delegation from Provincial Grand Chapter.
When the early business of the Chapter had been concluded, the incoming Principals were obligated. The MEZ, E.Comp. Tony Robinson, then constituted a conclave of First Principals and installed his successor, E.Comp. Hugh Gwilliams, into the First Principal's Chair.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The meeting saw the return of Excellent Companion Steve Bonham as Haggai after a 'rest' period of quite a few years. He was duly inducted as such by the MEZ.
And Comp. Lee Buckingham took the title of Excellent Companion; being promoted from Scribe N into the Chair of Joshua, with E.Comp. Malcolm Summers acting as J for the installation.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

E.Comp. Hugh after his installation as MEZ.

L to R, Ex.Comps. Steve (H), Hugh (MEZ) and Lee (J).
E.Comp. Tony Robinson delivered the explanation of the MEZ's robe and sceptre, E.Comp. Steve Adamek those of Haggai, and E.Comp. Steve Bonham those of Joshua.
The MEZ was entrusted with the Warrant of the Chaper and the Certificate of Amalgamation, after which he invested E.Comp. Tony as IPZ and appointed and invested his officers.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent delivered the address to the Principals and then, with suitable words, invested E.Comp. Tony with his IPZ jewel.
All the officers had performed their parts with great sincerity, ably assisted by members of the Provincial Team who had given the readings, and everyone was grateful, after the meeting was closed, to retire to the Festive Board and celebrate what had been a most successful and enjoyable meeting.
Installation meeting, 6th September 2023.
Hotting up at Aylesbury Fairway Chapter BIG RED
On one of the hottest nights of the year Aylesbury Fairway not only exalted a new companion, Cefarino Ceriales, into the chapter but also installed three brand new principals.
Coming on the heels of the Blue Table event on 7th June at which the chapter presented an introduction to the Order to Master Masons, the chapter now proved itself to be on fantastic form with all the companions delivering their ritual to the highest standard. Cefarino certainly had a great evening and enjoyed this next part of his journey. To make things even more interesting the provincial representative, E.Comp. Mike Clanfield (who also delivered a wonderful address to the principals), presented Comp. Ceferino with a welcome pack which included a special, limited edition, pair of 'BIG RED' socks, which Ceferino was clearly delighted to show off to the companions...

Mike Clanfield's escort was actually the Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. Graham Dearing, who confessed it was the first time he had ever done this in either RA or Craft. Afterwards he did say "It’s not easy, is it?". The companions present agreed with him, but felt that he did so good a job that he could well be up for promotion in the near future!
Installation meeting, September 2022.
Our new team was installed on 7th September 2022 in the presence of the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal E.Comp. Stephen Knight. We are all looking forward to a rewarding year, starting with the next meeting on the revised meeting date of 1st March 2023.

From L to R in the photo are E.Comp. Tony Robinson (H), E.Comp. Stephen Knight (Prov. 3rd G.Principal), E.Comp. Malcolm Summers (Z), E.Comp. Alex Mucan (acting Prov.G.D.C.), E.Comp. Hugh Gwilliams (J), E.Comp. Stephen Lee (I.P.Z.).
A New Companion.
Brother, now Companion, John Woodside of Aylesbury Lodge was exalted into the Holy Royal Arch on 20th April 2022. The Chapter was honoured by the presence of our Grand Superintendent, M.E.Comp. Graham Dearing and the Third Provincial Grand Principal, E.Comp. Stephen Knight.
The team worked together well and provided Comp. John with a most memorable ceremony.

From L to R in the photo are E.Comp. Peter Gerity (Soj), E.Comp. Lee Buckingham (Soj), E.Comp. Malcolm Summers (H), E.Comp. Stephen Knight (3rd.Prov.G.Prin.), E.Comp. Vic Green (Z), M.E.Comp. Graham Dearing (G.Sup.), E.Comp. Tony Robinson (J), E.Comp. Tony Bromage (Soj), E.Comp. Stephen Kirby (Scribe E) and Comp. John Woodside at front centre.